
In our first A Little Wiser Season 2 Episode, Kimi, and co-host Christy Peterson, dive into the science of FORGIVENESS, including the unexpected health benefits, learning to go easy on ourselves, and accepting that forgiveness is a process requiring a long term commitment. Christy breaks down the nitty-gritty of forgiving and why this often difficult act is worth putting into practice.

If you’d like further guidance on the practice of forgiveness, try psychologist Dr. Everett Worthington’s 5-step process - You can learn more here.

Laine Carlsness

I'm Laine Carlsness – the broad behind Broadsheet Design and an East Bay-based graphic designer specializing in identity, web and print. I truly love what I do – creating from-the-ground-up creative solutions that are as unique as the clients who inspire them. I draw very few boxes around what a graphic designer should and shouldn't do – I've been known to photograph, illustrate, write copy, paint and hand-letter to get the job done.

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